Latvijas Dianētikas centrs piedāvā 25 dzīves uzlabošanas kursus. Šajos kursos var iegūt zināšanas praktiski jebkurā dzīves jomā - sākot ar bērnu audzināšanu un beidzot ar finanšu problēmu atrisināšanu. Visa kursu informācija balstīta uz L. R. Habbarda darbiem. Jūs varēsiet apgūt arī konkrētas praktiski reliģiskās filozofijas - saientoloģijas - sadaļas.
Mācību laikā tiek izmantota apmācību tehnoloģija - paņēmienu kopums, kas ļauj pilnībā apgūt un izprast materiālu.
Apmācību tehnoloģija - tā nav ātras lasīšanas tehnika, nav arī viltīgu atcerēšanās paņēmienu kopums. Praksē nav pierādīts, ka atcerēšanās no galvas palīdz cilvēkam saprast to, ko viņš mācās vai padara viņu izglītotāku. Pielietojot apmācības tehnoloģiju, cilvēks apgūst materiālu tik efektīvi, ka var to pielietot praksē ikdienā.
From conception through infancy, every parent wants to do the most they can and give their child the best possible start in life. But what should a mother do? What should she avoid? And what should the father know to be a good parent? Parents need to know what can affect an unborn child. If a child can remember things from before birth, what should parents do to benefit the child most?
On the Having a Happy Baby Course you will learn:
- .What to avoid as a pregnant mother and what to do to protect your child during development in the womb—and during delivery and infancy.
- Why it is important to take care of yourself as a pregnant mother and what measures will have the greatest benefit for your child.
- How to do assists to help yourself as a mother and to benefit your child.
"It is not possible to "spoil" a child with love and affection. A child needs all the love and affection it can possiblyget." L.Ron Hubbard
On this course, both mother and father will gain knowledge and tools that increase a baby’s well-being to the utmost. You will know what to avoid and what to do so your child’s beginning years are the best.
“It is not possible to ‘spoil’ a child with love and affection. A child needs all the love and affection it can possiblyget.” L.Ron Hubbard